(I apologize for my phone pics for being mainly of food and Paris. I will try better this month.)
Wow, where did the time go? Slow down! I can't believe I only have a little more than a month here left. I know my mom is especially excited for me to come back home. From the very beginning, she's been constantly counting down the weeks till I leave. I can't wait to see my family again, but I also don't want this experience to end yet! But don't worry Mommy, I'm coming back home. I mean, I have no choice since I already purchased my return ticket...
I've definitely been able to get comfortable with my life in Manchester, and I love being able to do things on my own. The city has certainly grown on me, and I've learned to appreciate it more each and everyday. I'm a person that usually likes to stay indoors and tune into Netflix all day everyday, but now I love to go out and explore with my friends. Life abroad isn't all about traveling--I especially enjoy the little things. Whether it's watching a bizarre movie like Horns, chatting over afternoon tea, or trying to find the best Chinese food in Manchester, these are the moments that make me really happy.
But speaking of traveling, this past month was full of exciting trips. The weekends to Stratford Upon-Avon, Bath and Stonehenge, and Edinburgh were all wonderful. And of course, there was Paris. We have to go back!!! Also, this might be TMI, but after coming back from Paris I had a huge breakout on my chin. I think it was a side effect from all the macarons and pastries I consumed. Oh, the things I'll sacrifice for Parisian sweets.
The month of November will be especially busy. Besides a few more weekend trips planned, lots of deadlines and presentations will be coming up in the next couple of weeks. Oh joy. Remember before when I said I was being productive with my readings? Well, that's unsurprisingly gone downhill. I should be writing my essay now instead of this blog, but blogging is so much more fun. The essay isn't even assessed, so I shouldn't even care, BUT I DO. It's so hard to get to 1,500 words; I want to cry. But there are no time for tears! I'm going to make the most out of this month and enjoy this journey while it lasts.
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